Sunday Theme Classes: Unexpected 8-Counts, Tension & dancing with a Twist

Hepcats Copenhagen is excited to invite you to participate in 1, 2 or 3 two-hour Sunday classes, taking place just before Sunday Swing kicks off. Classes are taught by Hanna & Sune, Olga & Jon and Kit – all experienced Hepcats from Copenhagen, and targets everyone with a solid basic in place.

The SPRING-OUT Sessions

  • 23.03 – Unexpected 8-counts  – turn basic 6-counts into fun-filled 8-counts – technique and variations useful for social dancing (Hanna & Sune)
  • 30.03 – Tension – the Enemy and Life of dancing – How to use (and not use) tension to make tricky 8-count variations shine  (Olga & Jon)
  • 06.04 – Swivels Workshop  – A class for everyone wanting to learn “The Followers Twist”  (Kit) . 

Practical info

Classes take place just before Sunday Swing
  • Where: Kulturhuset Indre By, Salen
  • When: Above listed Sundays, from 1-3 pm
  • Who: All swing dancers with at least 2 rounds of 8-count LindyHop experience, corresponding to 2-3 months of active dancing experience at any CPH dance community as a minimum.
  • Price:
    • Followers: All 3 classes at DKK 300, or choose individual classes at DKK/each 125
    • Leads :  Individual classes in March are DKK/each 125, while class on Apr. 6th is FREE for leads (The third class is only intended for followers, but leads welcome as helpers)
  • Membership: If you don’t have one, you’ll also need a Membership for Spring 2025. It’s 60 DKK only.

Note: You can add several individual classes to the shopping cart before completing check-out 🙂 Also note that the Swivels session is intended for followers only – Leads are welcome and will be appreciated, but we will manage with followers only. If you sign up as a lead for all 3 classes, cost is only DKK 250. 

Class descriptions

The SPRING-OUT Sessions are taught by some of the most experienced teachers in Copenhagen. Below is a description of what to expect

23.03 – Unexpected 8-counts

Having attended many-many international workshops across Europe and in Asia, Hanna & Sune has gathered a bunch of 6-count variations that can be turned into 8-counts, giving followers an opportunity to play along with unexpected variations to classic 6-count moves. We will work with changing the course of variations like She-Goes, Tuck-turn and Minnie-Dip  into 8-counts and explore how changing a variation can turn an ordinary string of 6-count variations into unexpected  fun and laughter.
The variations caters to both new and seasoned LindyHoppers and can all be applied on the social dance floor.
Requirements: Hepcats Beginners-Intermediate or similar (at least 2 rounds of LindyHop experience). There is fun ahead for all levels.

30.03 – Tension – the Enemy and Life of dancing

In this SPRING-OUT SESSION aimed at students with a bit of experience, Olga and Jon will teach you the secret advanced dancing technique of relaxed tension to connect well with your partner and allow your to quickly react to changes. You will also learn Jon’s definition of success as a leader and Olga’s definition for successful follows. This technique and success will be exemplified with the classic swing-dance moves like 8-count Send-outs and the Sugar Push, and once you master the basic moves, we will use the technique to facilitate variations on these classics.
Requirements: Hepcats Beginners-Intermediate or similar (at least 2 rounds of LindyHop experience). The technicque and understanding of when & how to apply tension to your dancing is relevant for all levels.

06.04 – Swivels Workshop for Followers (M/F)

Learn one of the most fun and fascinating follower variations and styling in Lindy Hop – the Swivels. Throughout the workshop we will be working our way through the body, with 8 count footwork, positions in the Swingout, pose, frame and body position. Our goal is the express our self in a unique and feminine way while doing the variations Swivels and Switches.

Note: Wear slippery shoes – leather or suede outsole will do, otherwise socks work too!

Requirements: Hepcats Beginners-Intermediate or similar (at least o2 rounds of LindyHop dancing experience). Also note that the Swivels session is intended for followers only – Leads are welcome and will be appreciated, but class is designed to work with followers only. 

Can I join the classes?

These classes target dancers with a solid 8-count LindyHop & Charleston basic, presumably 2+ rounds of active 8-count LindyHop dancing at Hepcats, Swingshoes or Happy Feet. Note that class material caters even to experienced dancers who want to work on the original 1930’s LindyHop & Charleston dance styling.
Not a Hepcats dancer? No problem! Write in your comments where and how long you have been dancing

Sign up 

Come – join in and swing out! Fill out the info below, complete the registration and join us for the 2025 edition of “The SPRING-OUT Sessions”!
Signing up with a partner is optional – Please note that your partner must also register separately for the same class and note your email on their order.
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Additional information

Choose Role*

Lead, Follow

Select Classes*

All, Mar 23rd, Mar 30th, Apr 6th

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