(English below)
Set i lyset af myndighedernes senest udmelding vedr. Coronavirus bliver al Hepcats undervisning udskudt og sociale arrangementer aflyst.
I første omgang vil det dreje sig om undervisning/arrangementer indtil d. 31 marts. Vi vil løbende tage stilling til, hvad der sker derefter.
Vi vil snarest sende mails ud til alle der er tilmeldt i nuværende runde med hvad der sker fremover.
Man kan også holde sig opdateret i vores Facebook gruppe.
Vi håber, at I alle passer godt på jer selv og hinanden.
Vi ses forhåbentlig snart.
/Hepcats Bestyrelsen
In view of the latest announcement by the Danish Authorities regarding the Coronavirus, we have decided to postpone all Hepcats classes and cancel all social dancing events.
For now, this will affect classes and events until the 31st of March.
We will follow the development closely, and will let you know if we decide to postpone classes and cancel events after the 31st.
We will soon be sending emails out to everyone registered to the current round with more info about how we will handle the situation.
You can also keep up to date in our Facebook group.
Stay safe and take good care of yourself and each other.
We hope to see you soon.
/The Hepcats Board
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