(Please note the audition on the 31st of August has been cancelled. Next audition is on the 28th of September 2017 at 19.00. Sign up at bottom of page)

Why Audition?

To attend level 6 at Hepcats Copenhagen, you need to take our Audition, so we can ensure a uniform level.

However, the audition is open to anyone and its a great way to test your current Lindy Hop level.

After the audition you can get your own scores and the overall average scores. More details about this will be given at the audition.

What happens at the audition?

The audition consists of 3 rounds:

In the first round the teachers will score your fundamental Lindy Hop skills. They will be looking at your bounce, your lead/follow ability and your fundamental musicality within the 8 count Lindy Hop basic moves such as the Swing-out from open and closed, the circle and 8 count charleston.

In the 2nd round you will be taught a fun choreography that is a mix of Lindy Hop and solo jazz. The teachers will score you on your ability to pick up the moves, to focus on the teaching and on your overall ability to learn the choreography.

In the 3rd round you will social dance. After each dance you will evaluate your partner (anonymously). The teachers will score you on your ability to social dance, to have fun and to adjust to and dance with your partner.

Why so complicated?

While the Hepcats audition might seem complicated, we believe that it will give you the most accurate and unbiased evaluation of your dancing possible. Your final scores will be an average of about 30 individual scores.

Sign up here:

    Is this your first Hepcats Audition?*

    Are you planning on taking lessons at Hepcats in the coming season?*